2019 US Arabian Nationals Entries

826 (list)
929 (list)
1,377 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1809 HCA Crimson Express 591
1810 Buddy Holly LPR 574
1812 Galax Z 987
1813 Sofia CDA 5
1819 Aflash Afire 154 316 319 1168
1822 Heir Stryke 91
1823 Moves Afire WA 699 1699
1825 Revelryz 91
1826 IT Must Blove KP 532 1035
1827 ITS Good Tobe BAD 758
1828 Matafire WA 734
1829 BF Roger That 1681
1830 Casse-noisette MA 541 1681
1831 Reaching Nirvana VA 690 1690
1833 Jeremiah Bullfrog CA 734 1629 2172
1835 Khross MY Heart 2124
1837 OH Piazza 306
1840 Guilty AS Charged 460 574
1841 Princess Connection 79
1845 Broadway King BF 1172
1846 KV Lateedah 1190
1848 TOP Brass CRF 151
1849 Bucklup 1169
1850 SA Ikon 673
1852 SF The Patriot 61