2019 US Arabian Nationals Entries

826 (list)
929 (list)
1,377 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1621 Affliction 131
1622 Lola CA 755
1623 PHI Beta Kappah 574 755 1682
1624 SF Stonewoods N Cook 516 562 565
1625 CEY HEY 134
1626 CSP Hennessy 96
1627 CSP Lucky DAY 541 576
1628 Halsteads Deven 501
1629 Marilyn Monroe AHW 1060
1630 Vendettaa 134 316 1651
1632 Kaspian C 2086
1633 Sure Fire Redemption 541 576
1634 Luckys Girl 557
1636 Barritzar 306 1033
1637 AR Eclipse 306 1033 1671
1638 SD Dancing ON Heir 1033 1507 1671
1639 Tsamurai MAC 173 191 1189 1659 1662
1640 Barritz Carlton 2087
1642 Psax Fifth Avenue 608 617 673 734 1629
1643 KA Sir-rific 464 608 617 674
1646 Khashmere 983
1647 CEA Comfortably Numb 637 1036
1648 Enzperation XX 1166 1659
1649 Hendrixx WB 1031 1260
1650 Karma SF 1170