2019 US Arabian Nationals Entries

826 (list)
929 (list)
1,377 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1736 Slate A 191
1739 Trudeaux 981 3078
1740 H Justintime H 3075
1741 Kheeping The Faith 3083
1742 Ambres Magic 464 3079
1746 Small Town Girl FH 980 3077
1747 WS Carons Laureate 5
1748 BA Afterglow 516
1750 SHE BE A Rockstar 562
1751 Evolution CCA 1015
1753 Goldd Fever 1038
1754 RS Afire Inside 96
1757 Goldd Standard 460 574 3078
1758 MK Goldrush 613 618 1170 2162
1761 Justacharm WB 134 319 1188 2111
1762 Connected Commotion V 61 64 117 120
1763 Lilly Pulitzer 319 1188
1764 Chozen MA 3071
1766 Misrah Aljassimya 306 1507
1767 Midnight Sol RL 637
1769 Jens AJF 306 1033 1507
1770 Rolling Rock RL 987
1774 Jaweesh Aljassimya 205 1260
1775 Misseda Aljassimya 983
1776 Heirs Rock N Roll 79