2019 US Arabian Nationals Entries

826 (list)
929 (list)
1,377 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1651 Maddox SS 1031 1260
1652 Monaco Jullyen V 191 1661
1653 WE Will Rock U 1036 1323
1654 Sweet Little Somethin 637
1656 Jagger Jullyen BV 1669 1672
1657 Lightning Mcqueen CRS 674 734
1658 Phat KID 734 1629
1659 Shebe A Showgirl DFA 613 618 1170
1660 Boogiee Shoes 608 734
1661 Eros Tidal Wave 734
1662 Calamity Jane BY Jake 613 618 621 1170
1663 Just Like Fire CF 673 749 1037
1664 Shockit TO EM HF 755 758 1681
1665 Arsenal BV 291 1671
1666 Maxamillen 173 1166 1189
1668 First Things First 1173 1508
1670 Justice Afire 306 1169
1671 Shines Like Goldd 690 1690
1672 Springsteen 168 291
1675 Stop N Stare CF 749 1037 1173
1676 Affiremann 608 617 758 1682
1677 Jimmy Choo JCA 1031
1678 CP Rumor Has IT 316 319
1679 Mama Mia LOA 608 617 758
1680 Slim Shady WA 1037 1508 2172