2016 US Arabian Nationals Entries

810 (list)
878 (list)
1,259 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1598 Lady Ava Isabela 516
1599 GSF Exclusive 61 64
1600 Hinged IN Heaven 690 1690
1601 Dheir TO Dream WA 1060
1602 Movin ON Heir WA 699 1699
1603 Good N Plenty CCF 557
1604 Afire Star VF 1652 1665
1605 Tommy Bahama PF 131
1608 VSH Bling Bling 617 1682
1612 GSF Malinah 699 1699
1613 Sweetest Fire 1061
1614 Catch MY Breath SMP 986
1615 Noble Bacharah 699 1699
1617 This Chics Gotta GUN 1007
1619 TS Valdemar 151 316
1620 JSN Glenturret 755
1622 LA Desert Echo 377
1623 Renditions 291 1669
1624 CSP Take ME Backstage 749
1625 VSH Lollipop 674
1626 Emperor Afire 2105
1627 Tempezst 18 3066 3068
1631 VG Pyzzazz 586 989
1632 VG Tsatine 242
1633 Zees Kopy KAT 1451