2016 US Arabian Nationals Entries

810 (list)
878 (list)
1,259 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1501 Principessa KD 1060
1502 Benedito Bey SMA 180 211 214 1541 2045
1503 Romance V 211
1504 Lotus MEA 112 1034
1505 IM Smarty CAT 381 383
1506 TA Marcella 377 379
1507 Diva Afire 2111 2110
1508 Star Khemmander 242 244
1509 Harrigan Thats ME NNW 1034 1665
1510 Oppenheimer NNW 1060
1512 Admire The Fire 1681 1683
1513 MY Sweet Fire 516 2143
1514 Savante 1669 1671
1516 Defintly Diamonds NNW 608 617 758
1517 RD Nevaska 1669 1671
1519 Ghazi Jazzman 1681
1522 Scorch TOA 988
1523 ROL O Whata Night 291 1669
1524 Poker Face BMJ 1683
1525 High And Teit PF 1035
1526 THE Flag IS UP 1629 2172
1527 Davinci Reflection WA 562
1528 D M Fireproof 1681 1683
1529 Blazn Spirit 504 519
1530 Drambuie Louie 574 1682