2016 Canadian Arabian Nationals Entries

526 (list)
490 (list)
625 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
709 Pistalerro WLF 175 191 2125 2126
710 Fire Storm GM 593 911 928
711 DM Rohara Don Manuel 180 182 211 213 901
712 Hollywood Sunset 646 648 913 921
713 Kiss Bang Boom 780 2821
714 MR Univerce 180 182 211 213 2180
715 Moxberry BEY 774 778 788 1358 2197 2821 2829
716 C A Verano 173
717 Llets Dance 455
718 Royal Eagle 901 915
719 Buckle UP Baby 788 2829
720 DJ Brogan 2126
721 Psyches Stardust 898 901 915 2136 2197
723 DA Avalon 928
724 IMA Candy Huck 646 648
725 National Treasure SMF 1173 2175
726 Island Tempest 370
727 Island Legend 291 306 342 1169 2741 2801
728 Couturiers Island Doll 2701 2709 2761 2769
729 Marietta BEY 749 780 2821 2829 2881 2889
730 Jacs Niko 901
731 Tempting Tango 151 153 2116
732 REA Hey Look ME Over 614 758
733 Black Rambo Shadow 211 213 1185 2180
734 Strikes Braveheart 614 758 2173 2176