2016 Canadian Arabian Nationals Entries

526 (list)
490 (list)
625 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
601 AR Forever Young 174 2133
602 ALL Aroan AM I 737 1911
603 DV Vixxen 2 977
604 FF Gemini 1372 2749
605 Alada Brees BF 2139
606 Magnosteen OF Gold 2125
607 DA Triton 319
608 Tina Turnaround 648 663 694 1359 2072
609 RA Kilohana 1358
610 Millennium Mariner 646 648 692 694 767 1185 1358 1359
611 GSF Blue Chip 2135 2136 2197
612 BEY EL Marwan ATL 1169 1358
613 Spark IT UP 755 758 2148 2154 2195
614 ERA Lil Wayne 2115
615 Turbow Charger 928 1172
616 Azure Sky AVF 2195
617 Vitale FM 27 30 2133 2137
618 Serafina FM 2 5
619 A Thriller FM 174 316 319 1168
620 Redemption FM 15 18
621 HJ Bella Contessa 971
622 IIB Kid Rock 464 621 1372
623 Baahleez FM 972
624 Loreal PE 405 414 608 614 1173
625 IIB Miss MIA 1169