2014 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

432 (list)
523 (list)
673 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
353 OH Fire Proof 2151 2153
354 WCF Berry Especielle 905
355 Hello Moto 2151
356 Maximum PR 899
357 HOT IN The City 2177
358 Baskabi B S II 892
359 JSN New York Star 2113 2114
360 ERA Gal Gets Around 2142
361 MR Boombastic 2153 2159 2177 2178
362 ZEE Tuffy 390 1021 2180 2188
363 Krewgerrand LOA 957 2182
364 Afire Brand 2145 2157 2158
365 VSH Shes A Sweetheart 897 910
366 CMH Topnotch Gold 914
367 THE Buck Stops Here 659 996 1049 2184
368 SA Rapid Fire 957 2182
369 Kyrie Eleison FF 325 923 930
370 Fire Storm GM 597 1010
371 YES Sir Eee BOB 2159 2173
372 Russell Crowe 471 745
373 Moxberry BEY 491 2186
374 Paul Newgramm 2174
376 MR Saxobeat 2147
379 Pkampossibledream 224 2129 2188
381 EL Mosah 370