2014 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

432 (list)
523 (list)
673 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
382 Rombauer 553 958 1010
383 IM Kinda Kool RTA 298 302
384 Aria MTA 905 909 2181
385 CSP Danze Tothe Music 2113 2181
386 Caliente Virtuoso 628 633 914
388 NF Just Dew IT 2186
389 RA Fames Starlett 2126
391 Moonpie Inthe SKY 2174
392 SS Kharben Kopy 298 302
393 Aviator A 912 2126
395 ONE Bright Starr HA 899
396 Junie Moon HA 197 201
397 FSF Loaded GUN 896
398 KF Lord OF The Dance 548 553 957 1010 2153
399 EVG Julieus 2135
400 Court Marshall PA 899 906 912 2180
401 TC Matador 958 1010
402 Dreame Maker 2153 2156
404 KM Tuscany 224
405 Bbounce 894
406 Angel Kisses 2180
408 SH Karlotta 390 2170 2184
409 Tsimmer Down NOW 233 872 937 2129 2188
411 Majestic High 553 1010
412 ROL Firecracker 2113 2114 2118