2021 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals Entries

1,211 (list)
989 (list)
1,405 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1177 EC Damascus 874
1178 EC Diosa 2 2101 5
1179 Zeal Dsab 149 205 342 54
1180 Smokin Hot MM 973
1181 Verocco 1005 2133 2250 2530 306 903 906
1182 Baske Connection 1862 2480
1183 DON Quixote BF 2650 544 557 758
1184 HA Tsamsun 1844 1850 2138 2479 316
1185 Flamenco BF 2265 2988 306
1186 IM Sirius CF+ 2263 2265 291
1187 JAY Zee PA 1181 336 348 74 878 388
1188 Viquita Juell XX 1166 194 2385
1189 Voyage A 1964 2004
1190 CEA Comfortably Numb 3152 621
1191 Enzperation XX 194 1950
1192 IA Mafioso 205
1193 PA Lucerne 1952 205 2385
1194 THE Cool Kid SF 2400 624
1195 Aston Marwan Abc+ 1051 1107 1170 189 2345 495 624 774
1196 Rico Zsuave 1087 2250 2719 336 47
1197 Ppinot Noir WR 1169 1358 2133 2488 291 30
1198 SAX Summer Seranade 163 3111 401 476
1199 M Khalua 971
1200 Steel The Gold 2085
1201 CSA Rooty Toot 1051 1107 1372 2530 2531 774