2021 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals Entries

1,211 (list)
989 (list)
1,405 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1002 Exxzena Z 971
1003 OFW Bella Marajj 2101 5
1004 THE General LRA 27 30
1005 Veeramani 874
1006 Ernando AA 3110
1007 Isra Taysha 3091
1008 Picasso SSA 972
1009 Turismo RA 15
1010 Khorsani La+++/ 2141 2531 330 336 361 54 798 877
1011 JAS Joe+ 1006 1106 1182 1549 189 2179 435 493 495 767 774 784 880 881 916
1012 Sambuca VO 1087 1180 1181 143 2141 2187 268 330 361 386 40 877 878 1005
1013 Hesza Dream+/ 1182 2179 2187 711 713 767 774 784 881 1599
1014 PA Atlas Shrugged 1181 149 336 342 388 54 878
1015 SAS High Exxpectation+/ 1005 1180 1549 1599 2141 361 877 903
1016 Sanzibelle 1358 143 2530 386 40 795
1017 Miss Silver Staar 1180 1608 2141 361 386 877
1018 Belle Adore+++// 1107 163 1792 2179 476 491 767 774
1019 NT Legacys Aiyana+++/ 1106 1608 2179 491 767 880
1020 Closing Time+// 1087 1208 1358 268 336 361
1021 ONE More Round++++// 1792 493 711 713
1022 Topp Shelf 1107 1792 713 780
1023 Shes AN Emerald Star 1792 711
1024 LNJ Eagle Rare 1087 149 336 361
1025 ON Tap+// 1106 1107 1792 711 767 774
1026 Dreamin ME On++++// 1106 2179 2187 435 436 511 784 795 798 806 808 880 881