2021 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals Entries

1,211 (list)
989 (list)
1,405 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
852 Khash N Kharry+ 1107 1358 1372 189 2380 2483 2490 3039 495 692 774
853 CA Tempting+ 1359 2484 3027 3039 646
854 SH Slidin ON ICE 1372 1469 2380 3027 3039 661
855 RD Kordova 1166 173 194 211 2482 2541
856 Crusaders Lovesong MM+ 1107 163 476 774 795
857 Dakota Chex 2484 3027 3039 646
858 SA Loraleii 180 1808 2481 2531 348 798
859 Fistfull OF Dollarss 2345 3027 661
860 KMA Wez Been Spotted 1172 2148 755 758
861 Aerogramm+// 1180 2212 388 435 816 877
862 Glitter N Glam 476 491 811 812
863 VA Armadah 1181 388 436 513 878
864 Small Town Girl FH 637
865 SRC The Black Knight 2955 2990
866 Desert Diamond CF 1170 624
867 Jeter HA+ 194 1945 1950 3124
868 HE Aint Foolin WB 3179 621
869 Princess Khaberet 1963 3124
870 SAN Mateo MLH 2263 2488 2987
871 High And Teit PF+ 2171 2490 2962
872 MDA A Dark Skyy+/ 2490 2960 734 737
873 Khaberet Pga++// 1734 3007
874 Verdict J 205
875 Four Seasons 194 1952 2385
876 Bouncer V+/ 316 319