2021 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals Entries

1,211 (list)
989 (list)
1,405 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1377 RSD Victoration 1106 1182 493 495 774 881
1378 TR Sweet Deal 1142 1145 1258 2379 880
1379 AM Soaring Cressida 1180 1256 1741 386 877
1380 Backin Blac 1180 1256 1741 811 877
1381 Khentucky J 1120 1372 1549 1945 2122 906 917
1382 RSD Show Stopper 1106 1113 476 491 774 880
1383 Rockin MY Stilletos 1180 1256 1372 1741 1742 3007 3043 386 811 877
1384 Salty John++/ 1120 1174 1257 1537 1741 2390 388 878
1385 Smokin Guns 1118 1256 1359 3007 3043
1386 Spin With ME Mozart 1257 1741 3007 342 388 812 878
1387 Intenacious+/ 1372
1388 Double MO Seven RA 1256 1741 1742 3043 877
1389 TRU Infinity MM 15
1390 Dirty Face+// 2443 2471 2475 2534
1391 Jimmy Choo JCA 173 1963 2122 3124
1392 MAC Shoc WA 2247 2263 2987
1393 Anheuser Busch 1107 1358
1394 Sofia Loren 1182 881
1395 SF Tucks Big Bang 1103 1142 1176 1258 1589 3197 3198 437 811
1396 Stars Align 1258 2379
1397 Bucardi 1142 1258 2379 3161 3179 811
1398 SAS Ala Sudden 2345 2484 2490 3039 646
1399 LM Pawell 1166 191 194
1400 THE Gipsy King 1945 205 2123 2385 2488
1401 TA Europe+ 1180 1549 436 511 806 903