2020 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals Entries

816 (list)
765 (list)
1,078 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
365 Ladies Luv Chocolate 1143 1184 2017 2180 2184 2189 3044 3198
366 CF Celebritys TOI 2177 2178
367 Hottimeinmotown RA 646 692 780 1018 3027
368 Affliction 96 131
369 CSP Lucky DAY 541 576
370 Marilyn Monroe AHW 112
371 PHI Beta Kappah 544 2547 2650
372 Elana Afire 2145 2155 2443
373 RC Jaleelah 197 211 224 912 1021 1535 2100 2101 2227
374 CEY HEY 896 2223 2546
375 CSP Hennessy 99 316 1850
376 SF Stonewoods N Cook 755 2545
377 Cause Afire CRF 99
382 Sambucca Raves 211 912 921
383 JS Struttin ON Aphire 957 2182
384 Sure Fire Redemption 2156
386 BL Point Break 897
388 Shoc N Roll 2676
389 Garrison DGL 2985 2986
390 MG Lower The Boom 646 2169 3176
391 Cache GRK 1947
392 Dominique GRK 306
393 Khajestic GRK 2135 2245
394 Kids N Roses GRK 2164 3147
395 Rachael Ames 2119