2020 Arabian US Nationals Entries

857 (list)
970 (list)
1,408 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1501 Psax Fifth Avenue 608 617 734 1629 2938
1502 KA Morning Glory 613 618 1036 1170 2161
1503 WC Khan Artist 1036 1323 3128
1504 Tsamurai MAC 173 1166 1189 3126
1505 KA Sir-rific 608 617 2171 2938
1506 Falcon AL Rhab 1033 2133
1507 Barritzar 1669 2936
1508 ZIG E Stardust 591 1172 1683
1510 Barritz Carlton 306 985
1512 Shut UP AN Dance 2161
1513 Pozorro 173 1189 2084
1514 Zees MR FOX 235 984 3023
1515 Muscanza M 235 984
1516 ZEE Kahili 3020
1517 Buckcherry WA 749 988
1518 Breaking Dawn TR 1747 2008 3021
1519 CA Tempting 649 655 1056 1894
1520 Cavaleiro 214 220 1056 1541
1521 Star Treksdiamond LIL 1442
1522 Fistfull OF Dollarss 1442
1523 RD Kordova 1897
1524 Allure MLM 180 1897 2045
1525 Maurizio 649 692 1894 3000
1526 CAT Ballou PKA 214 1541 2045 3007
1527 Thistlebit 214 220 1056 1541