2020 Arabian US Nationals Entries

857 (list)
970 (list)
1,408 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
395 Connected Commotion V 64 151 154 2427
396 PA Durango Always 306 1507 2084
398 OH SO Moso 613 1170
399 Venezia LR 1508
400 Nuttin Could BE Finer 1038
403 OH Supreme Delight 734
406 Cocoa Motion 1629 2939
407 GF Aurora Sunna 2937
408 MI Kalifornia KID 1166
409 Blazn Heir HPF 2629
411 Exes And OHS 1034
412 SHF Rosemerry 982
413 A Revelation BHA 319 2627
414 Dheir 1665 2110
415 THE Heiristocratt 690 1690
416 Trident CBA 24
417 Crackalackin 541 2624
418 Wickid 3084
419 Feel The Connection 2629
420 Inheiritor 699 1699
421 KW Isaiah 1060
422 Colette CA 1060
423 Swiftkicknthepantz RA 1897
426 Fyre Away 154
427 KT RIO 1038