2019 US Arabian Nationals Entries

826 (list)
929 (list)
1,377 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1501 Aristotle Sldm 988
1502 Infinite Royalties 1060
1503 RIO Magnificentvision 131 134
1504 Distinction BHN 1015
1506 Khans Kharisma 973
1507 Beijings Fire 1169
1508 Catch MY Breath SMP 1172
1509 Wildfire LPR 541 1683 2149
1510 Eros Toi Revelation 501
1512 DA Avant Guardian 316 319 1665 2111
1513 Amelia Heirhart 1683 2149
1515 THE Dark Knightt 541 574 576
1516 CP Cozmopolis 96 1034 2111
1517 Fiero's Watch 504
1518 Aftertherain VH 673 1037
1519 Eternal Fire PF 1665 2111
1520 Hinged IN Heaven 1683 2149
1522 Spring Break LOA 608 758
1523 Valhalla WS 306
1524 Sweet Cracklin Fire 516 562
1525 HA California Sage 1665 2111
1526 HRA Spring Fling 112
1527 Surface TO Heir PF 1665 2111
1528 TAP OUT 557
1529 SD Toskcan Treasure 749