2018 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

390 (list)
450 (list)
595 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Filtered by Owner: THATCHER, KAY LA VISTA NE
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
388 Ames Nutorious 2145 2447 2142
389 Berry Bella LPR 159
390 Five Starr 2106 1764
391 FOX ON Fire 917 914 2189 900
392 Thunder Storm LR 2224 2113
394 Wimpys Little CAT 2384 1018
399 Sunset Beach 2676 2151
400 JTC Thunderstruck 2224 2113
401 Noble Reign 2106
402 Jazzzz 1437 1304 388
403 Eykaterina 1432 1440 1433 1435 1434 1306 491 1113
404 CF Bravo 2173 2986
405 GSF Magdelena 2447 2142
406 CSP Whos Your Daddy 2156 2647
407 GSF Ambienze 2117
408 Edward Cullen 2173 2957
409 Thrillionheir 2113 1845
410 CF Afires Valentine 2645
412 JMJ Gold N Fizz 905 910 897
413 Call MY Bluff JLR 930 1764 2104
414 Afires Knight 2173
415 SAN Carlos Jullyen V 2226 2135
417 Thisgirl Isonfire ZSH 2173 2986
418 Crowd Control 2445 2145
419 Mister Incredible 2182 2647