2016 US Arabian Nationals Entries

810 (list)
878 (list)
1,259 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Filtered by Owner: DAY, SHARON K FT WAYNE IN
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
316 ALL Heir 91
317 Whoozapalooza Z 591 1190
321 Hezafire 1669 1672
322 Impressa MI 3054 3057
326 DA Maxin 1260
327 DA Princessa 983
328 Ladys Man WH 608 755 758
329 Eljomar Kabask 1016
331 EJM A Psnickerdoodle 974
332 Alltair 464 673 734 1629 3079
334 Aroundfortheirish ROF 674 1629
335 Flamin Cajun ORA 1359 1372
336 Khruzin For Love PA 1260
337 Lady Antebellum WA 1036
338 Americann Honey 642 1673 2162
339 Justavinci 2124
340 WR Soulman 1659 2124
342 Shez Buckin Famous M 1673 2162
343 MK Lilliana 1629 2172
344 August Engine 319
345 Enchanting Memories 96
346 Heir Force ONE 1168
348 Princess OF Baske 79
349 Rejoice Rejoice 131 134
351 SR Ultimate 134