2016 US Arabian Nationals Entries

810 (list)
878 (list)
1,259 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Filtered by Owner: ADAMEK, LAUREN M TAMPA FL
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
530 Michael Jordann 1035 2143
531 MAN About Vegaz VA 76 79 117
532 Prince Polonaise 180 211
534 Tsimmer Down NOW 180 211 214 1359 1541 2045
535 O MY Martini LOA 516
536 JS Afires Knight 1665
537 Twylite Zone 384 661 692 1894
539 CSP Barbancourt 61
540 Sweet Thingg 306
542 Heirs Devotion 699 1699
543 LLC Fabrizio 30 3072 3075
547 CVA Serce 251 254 1198
549 Spitfyre VF 3066 3068
551 Nobles Top GUN 226
552 PA Marco 226 1386
553 CR Starlite Starbrite 591
554 SH Smoke N Sparks 669 1007
555 Major Pendleton 1921 1923
557 Balios 112
559 Vintage Color 1629
560 Voodoo Child 541
563 Statham Z 3069 3071
565 TA Eurostar 180 211 214 380 1359 1372 2045
566 Frank Sinatra 154 1168 1665
567 H Ekstraordinaire H 1169