2016 Canadian Arabian Nationals Entries

526 (list)
490 (list)
625 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
158 Rain Chance 348 370 824
159 M S Amethyst 5 977
160 B Zoshenne 2821 2829 2881 2889
163 Finaali 294 1903
164 Tymes TO Treasure 168 174 302 942
165 GSF Trulee 63 79
166 Cecillia 99 1901
167 Mateo VA 1166
168 CPH Cowboy Casanova 1170
169 WGA Kid Rose 2123 2127
170 Perfec Sense 544 591 755 758
171 Perfec Idea 455 464 737 745 942
172 EF Trific Shoc 2135 2136
173 Raayder 774 778 789 795 798 2861 2869 2921 2929
174 Titleist BF 112 2110 2116
175 Rizing Stock BF 557 2148
176 Lookin AT Lucky BF 503 567 2143
177 Afire Phantom BF 544 1909
178 CSP Magician 153 316 319
179 EF Viva LA Vegaz 79 358
180 Nobilistics Crush JF 557 2154
182 Platinum Knights 740 745
183 Redemption H 291 2135 2136
184 Nobil Possession 359 519
185 Khanquistador 266 271 330 336 340 361 370 2187