2016 Canadian Arabian Nationals Entries

526 (list)
490 (list)
625 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
360 TOI Talent 589 911 921 2195
361 MY Tosk 112
363 Megas Litle Angel 898 913 915
364 C Sir Madre 2133 2137 2749 2809
365 O William Tell 557
366 Adelita RTA 734 737 1911
367 Swing Town SOA 544 1909
368 CP Triple Spec 131 136
369 Chablis WA 194 1905
370 Maasai PVF 291 1903
373 E Harmani Rose 266 269 271 361
374 Envision A Star 194 1905
375 Obsidian Knightt 608 614 734 2171 2175
376 Midnight Echo GWA 340 2701 2709 2761 2769
377 Eros MA 175 1166 2123
378 E-hucks Coralee 780 2881 2889
379 GP Ettore 306 1169
380 Amplify PCF 291
381 LED Zeppelin CF 749
382 THE Godfather ORA 455 464
383 HMR Must BE Aflame 2136
384 Saratoga BF 194
386 E-jack Daniels 711 714 716 767 774 788 947
387 WC Dream ON 737 749 1911 2174
390 Blew BY U-hey 2173 2174