2015 US Arabian Nationals Entries

813 (list)
900 (list)
1,257 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Filtered by Owner: HANSEN, TOM & LEOLA DUVALL WA
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
424 Dont Call ME 1169
425 Allelulia Afire 319 316
428 Zees A Dallas Cowboy 621 1170
429 Knightts Jewel 2172
430 Marmarra 3054
431 SHE Moves ME 734 674
432 GF Mostly Arab 749
434 FVF Roses Afire 532
436 Allegience BF 1672 2133
437 SRC Alexander 734 674 2172
438 WGA Kid Rose 2123
439 NO Rules 1033
440 Rollin Doubles 674 2172
441 H Rollin Inthedeep H 1169
445 DLC Mister T 988
446 Lady Marmalade WA 988
448 Ladys Man WH 755 758 591
450 Sergeant Pepper LOA 608 617
451 GI Jzoe 1173
453 Jackal 501
454 O MY Martini LOA 1682
455 MAN About Vegaz VA 117 1030
456 Phat KID 987
457 HB Cashbar 1168 1034
458 GP Ettore 306