2014 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

432 (list)
523 (list)
673 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
667 Jezabell PE 2177
668 Fadila PCF 2100
669 Appropo 2147
670 SA Kappuccino 2114 2138 2140
674 Divvinci 2151 2158 2182
675 WR Isabella 2160
676 Armoni GA 2102 2103 2136
677 CEY HEY 930 2114 2120 2181
678 Tamar Red Hot Romeo 740 745
679 CSP Hot DAM 957 2145 2147 2182
682 Corona PE 2153
684 SR Heres Johny 523 528
685 GSF Ambienze 2104 2109
686 Relentlyss 2102 2103
688 HSA Braveheart 2121 2136
690 Michaelangelo DD 103 108 325
691 CF Afires Valentine 2151 2153
692 GSF Lordof The Ring 298 302 2121
693 Relience 916 1006
694 King Heirr 896 909
695 LH Chevago 906 1005
696 GSF Magdelena 2142
697 Pledge OF Allience 553 1917 2177
698 Foolinn Around 897 910 2182
702 Brassair 906 912 1005