2014 US Arabian Nationals Entries

787 (list)
1,191 (list)
1,794 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Filtered by Owner: BOODT, VELMA DEPEW, OK
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1502 Ransom DGL 79 1030
1503 Crystalbluepersuasion 1682
1504 Almost Legal 986
1505 Borne This WAY 79
1506 ERA Moonlite Serenade 516 519
1507 Noble Halo 76 1030 2105
1508 THE Empresss 532 1035 2143
1509 Rumorr Has IT 96
1510 Good N Plenty CCF 1061
1511 HOT Heir PF 1060
1512 Undulatas Dream MA 1061
1513 Shoc IT TO ME 1652
1514 Trotting The Globe MA 1035
1515 SF Supremacy 76 79
1516 SA Sophisticated Lady 501 504
1517 Prince OF Ames 2110
1518 Woody Hayes 1652
1519 Poker Face BMJ 1038 1682
1520 Noble Fortune 91 1030 2105
1521 HOT AIR 501 504 2143
1522 SF Nitro Shoc 2143
1523 Mojito Fire 516
1524 MIZ Shocwave VA 1060
1525 Davinci Reflection WA 690
1526 HS Miz American Dream 2105