2013 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

428 (list)
509 (list)
658 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
201 Prim N Proper 2151 2153
202 AUL Turbo Charged 1434
204 T Dyami 906 912
205 HES The Berries 2113 2114 2118 2181
206 BA Rise TO Fame 2156 2182
208 TOI Showgirl 2153 2156
210 RED Neck Cutie 2151 2153 2156
211 Invincibility PF 2118
212 SF Oops Ididit Again 2145 2147
213 Themusicofthenite 2121 2180
215 Monocco PSY 2136
216 SIR Magni Feke 82 87 2104
219 MR Boombastic 2151 2153 2159 2177 2178
220 ROL Cytosks Rose 103 325
221 MY Generation 159 2120
222 ER Hollywoodsocialite 2142
223 Alloura LR 2157 2177
224 Afire Doll 2119
225 CMH Topnotch Gold 633 900
226 Major Asset 2135
227 MS Katillak 2142
228 Maximum PR 899
229 Johnnie Quest 2119 2120 2138 2140
230 Rockafella B 548 553 958 1010
231 DC One Man Show 957 2182