2013 US Arabian Nationals Entries

781 (list)
904 (list)
1,270 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
192 Soul Sister CH 504
194 Satysfaction 1166
195 Lord Ofthe Danz 1188 1671
197 Good Glory NNW 690
198 IM Destinees Hobby 646 649
199 Dunit Okie Blue 381 383 669
200 DUN Waltzin 664
201 FS Rocketman 154 1034
202 Glitterati RS 617 673
203 Uncle Cracker 557 1038
204 Ames Distinguished 1034 1651
207 Ronde VU 61 64
208 REA MY Allience 501 504
209 Cecillia 112
210 GSF Trulee 79
212 Entouragze 982
213 SB Marina 5 3093 3102
214 RD Felicitation 2088
215 RD Azeem 3109
216 RD Texcello BEY 2086
217 RD Siena Serenade 977
218 RD Dynamo 978
219 RD Lady Magnum 3091
220 RD Dasanni 2087 3103
222 Al-marah Matt Dillon 229 379