2012 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

412 (list)
489 (list)
640 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
161 TR Ima Rockin KID 1014 2002
162 GF Valedictorian 512 514 794 803
163 Tuscan SUN 171 297 298 302 943 944
164 Almost Crimson 512 514 803 1018 1920
165 Tamar Cool KID 740 745 788 1018
166 Midnight Chrome HF 739 744
167 NO Doubtt 298 302 943 944
169 Wradiant Ruler 514
170 Nutcracker Sweet PF 522
171 GS Knight Wind 917 920 923 1046 1048
172 Zoey Darq Thunder 512 514 794 803
173 Brass Glamor Shot 547 552
174 Colour ME NOT 514 803
175 Raven Afire 107
176 Field OF Life 171 297 920 943
177 PH Gai Shamaline 512 514 903 981
178 JC Veritas 297 301
180 Carry ON LOA 548 553 958
181 CP Smooth Operator 102
182 Alexandria WB 158
183 Dare ME UF 597 598
185 Flight OF Fanci 656 658 1013 1047 2001
186 HB Mantra 31 36
187 Trubadors Serenade 656 658 1047
188 Aphrodisiac 547 552 1009