2012 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

412 (list)
489 (list)
640 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
781 Berry Shaklana V 906 1005
782 WW Easter Lily 596 598
783 Victim OF Love 547 581
784 Penelope Krewse 596 598
785 Alltaire AOF 102 320 324
786 Bebopalooza 507 522 527 568
787 THE Whole Shabang 739 744
788 CP Aspen 301 943
789 Bizmark V 171 906
790 Bayberry BEY 892
791 AIR OF Temptation 82 87
792 ALL That Jazz WF 102
793 Major Applause GA 581 596 598
794 Ames Encounter 108 324 325
795 Fire Proof EQ 107 158
796 EVA ABC 627 920
797 T Sweet Elegance 744
798 FS Noble Dancer 552 1915 1916
800 Point Man NJH 31 36
801 Impressivve 196 200
802 WC Center Stage 739 744
803 Alada Spirit MBA 302 917 923 943
804 Queen OF Hearts LA 632 900 914 916 917 920 1006
805 EZ Annie Oakley 894
806 Marttini 611 745 1017