2012 US Arabian Nationals Entries

795 (list)
921 (list)
1,324 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
337 JA Mustafire 1652
338 ROL Fire Mist 1651
339 Brass Betty 112
341 SA Rapid Fire 562 565
342 Baske Afireball 1682
343 Bonfire ROF 96 1652
345 SF Aftershoc 76 117
346 Summer Temptation 91
347 Afire Siren 690 1690
348 ICE 608 755 758
351 LBF Anthem 1168
353 RA Sonofapreachrman 574 576
354 THE Incredible Huck 1060
355 CL Belles Afire 1652
356 SA Mandolin 520
358 Aujsha 5
359 KRA Reliance 134
360 Excels High Fashion 504
362 A Ledgend 2087
364 Long Island Express 1061
365 Vshamericassweetheart 1680
367 Sammantha Rose 519
369 Oscar DE LA Hoya 1031 1166
372 Desert Jade GSA 3094
373 Mister Bigg 96 1651