2009 Youth Arabian Nationals Entries

479 (list)
556 (list)
732 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
742 Motive 598
743 TR Mocha Lena 1047
744 Riverr Dance 272 943 948 1005 1919
746 Crimson Illusion 1017
748 Prince Paso 744 1920
749 Simplee Elegant 894 905 910
752 SRC Phoenix Rising 745 793 794 802 916 1006
753 SRC Night Wind 793 794 802 803 944 1005 1919
754 Only A Dream RM 744 745 903 1006 1018
755 ON Acount 1006 1017
756 IM MR Right SRC 793 803 903 916
757 IMA Celebrity TOO 793
758 Hisho 794 803 903 944
759 EAF Kidmann 943
760 Georgetown EF 793
762 Alada Lena 803 903
763 DR Aloven Fame 421 1018
764 Second Tsultan 176 197 201
765 Xxtra Cool 903 943
769 EL Shekinah Gold 196 200
770 Tuff Act TO Follow 900
771 NW Beaudacious 197 201
773 Hustlers ACE 900
774 HF Hale-bopp 912
775 C A Mejor 899 912