2008 US Arabian Nationals Entries

709 (list)
838 (list)
1,143 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
288 Eccentric Valentino 972
289 Vegas DPA 972
290 JJ Bellagio 972
294 NBW Angels Kiss 11
295 GAA Millenia 5
296 JJ LA Estrella 12
298 DA Valentino 23
299 LD Pistal 24
301 Fortunate VF 27
302 RHR Campus King 974
303 SHE BE Adiva KBS 403 410
306 Shutup And Dance 453 460
309 ICE 758
311 Khitty Hawk 501
314 WR Cosabella 541
315 Bobby C 758
316 Krystal LOA 1680
317 Miss Jewely 1681
318 DA Tremor 1651
319 Divine Destinee GA 971
326 Barossa LRA 455 981
328 IM Destinees Hobby 646 649
329 SRH Hollywood Jaci 646 661 664
330 Lost IN Yonkers 591 758
331 Overdunit 661