2008 US Arabian Nationals Entries

709 (list)
838 (list)
1,143 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1617 Portia LRA 980
1620 Turn ON The Charm 1923
1622 Elegance Reins 686 1019 1923
1627 Shahcolate Bey MA 244
1628 Coco Polene 1923
1629 Cocos Little Missle 681 688 1019
1634 SA Bold Intrigue 541
1635 Tamar Black Label 1031
1637 Argent Esprit 1660
1640 Magnitude VA 1031
1642 Tamar Distant Thunder 985
1645 Tamar Esperanza 1031 1660
1646 Callista Jacara 251
1649 Tamarcarnivalofroses 1031 1660
1651 Tamar Faux Finish 738 1037
1652 Tamar Synergist 1031
1656 WS Whistlin Dixie 624
1657 Tamar Amelia E 1031
1658 Kevin Costner CRF 1682
1660 Scheffler 1671
1661 DA Slim Shady 520
1663 Extreme Expression 1680
1665 MY Name IS Earl 1038 1680
1667 Princess Saharra 112 316
1668 VSH Elektra 574