2006 US Arabian Nationals Entries

681 (list)
862 (list)
1,144 (list)
This data is filled as the show progresses and is NOT a complete representation of entries.
Only entries that progress in a cut or place in a class will be indexed here.
Back Number Horse Name Classes Entered
1942 I M Mystikal 1671
1943 HR Huckin Around 96
1944 C Roxanne 5 11
1947 Spanish Harlem 574 1680
1949 Yosemite Sam Gntc 191
1952 Silver Reward 591
1955 Indigo Moun 1651
1957 HL Sanction 79
1958 Viaggio 1661
1959 OA Star Struck 519
1960 Valentino Afire 1650
1961 Maximum Power 591
1962 Idol Gossip 624
1963 TOI Supreme CRF 986
1966 Jama Ghazi 1680
1967 WP Rosanna Orana 532
1968 Jonni Rocket 504
1972 ALL Eyes Onme 76
1973 AGF A Major Surprize 557
1975 Shalone 96 131
1976 Ames Britney 1681 1682
1977 TOI Trouble 76 79
1980 Cool Night 516
1982 SA Mandolin 520
1983 Ballience V 61